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Brooks Keeps Busy In Wolf Point

Brooks Keeps Busy In Wolf Point Brooks Keeps Busy In Wolf Point

Every school day is a busy time for Wolf Point High School senior Dominick Brooks.

After attending classes during the morning, Brooks then heads to Town Pump to work from noon to 5 p.m. On Fridays, his work schedule increases to 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

His duties features maintenance work including taking out the garbage.

“I like it a lot,” Brooks said of the work.

This is his fourth year attending school in Wolf Point after taking classes at Frontier School.

In the classroom, his favorite subject is physical education.

“We can play with the basketballs and the baseballs,” Brooks explained.

“I like seeing my friends,” Brooks said.

He says his role models are his grandpa and his Uncle Howard.

“They work hard and have fun,” Brooks said.

After high school, his plans are to continue working at Town Pump.

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