Elks National Youth Week
Mayor Chris Dschaak (left) and Wolf Point Elks Lodge #1764 Exalted Ruler Scott Montgomery signed a proclamation designating the week of May 1-7 as Elks National Youth Week. The proclamation read, in part, “The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks has designated May 1-7 as Youth Week to honor America’s junior citizens for their accomplishments and to give fitting recognition of their services to community, state and nation; and no event could be more deserving of our support and participation than one dedicated to these young people who represent the nation’s greatest resource, and who in the years ahead will assume the responsibility for the advancement of our free society; and our Youth need the guidance, inspiration and encouragement which we alone can give in order to help develop those qualities of character essential for future leadership; and go forth to serve America...” The Wolf Point Elks Lodge annually hosts a Hoop Shoot, scholarship programs and supports various youth sports.
(Photo by Darla Downs)