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Second Peak Of Fort Peck Flow Test Resumes

Releases from Fort Peck gradually began increasing on Monday, June 17, to reach a peak flow of 20,000 cubic feet per second at Wolf Point on Sunday, June 23.

These releases will include flows from the Fort Peck spillway.

The second peak flow was scheduled to begin on June 13, but it was delayed due to the stage forecast at Williston, N.D. being above 22.0 feet.

“Forecast flows on the Yellowstone River continue to decline and the river gage at Williston has dropped below 22.0 feet supporting a decision to proceed with the second peak flow beginning today, June 17,” said John Remus, chief of the Missouri Basin Water Management Division.

The rate of increase and decrease for the second peak will follow the original increase and decrease schedule.

However, the peak flow measured at Wolf Point will be approximately 20,000 cfs, instead of the originally planned 22,500 cfs.

Releases will be made to hold at flows at Wolf Point of 20,000 cfs for three days, and then reduced by 1,000 cfs for 10 days, reaching 10,000 cfs on July 5.

On July 6, releases will be reduced to maintain a flow of 8,000 cfs at Wolf Point.

Weekly virtual meetings during the flow test continue to take place to update the public on test progress and planned operations. Information on accessing the public meetings can be found at https://www.nwd.usace. Meetings/Meetings. During the flow test a number of monitoring activities will be conducted to include fish monitoring, lidar and aerial photography, physical surveys, cultural resource surveys, and water quality sampling.

Interested parties can also provide information through a web-based application that can be found at https://hydroviz. ca/fort-peck-feedback or Missouri.Water.Management@ mil.

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