City Council Approves Morales For Lieutenant, Luckow Resigns
The Wolf Point City Council held their regular meeting June 17. Enrique Morales was approved for the rank of lieutenant with the Wolf Point Police Department effective July 1, with a salary increase to be determined.
Public Works director Ken Luckow submitted a letter of resignation and requested a transfer to another position. Luckow was not present.
“Ken did present me with a letter of resignation and he is putting in for his old position of chief water operator,” said Mayor Chris Dschaak.
The public works activity report for the month stated that the pool had trouble staying open during its first week of summer operations. Following a repair to a valve and other issues, the pool was open during regular hours at press time June 24.
Interstate Engineering’s John Bach discussed the completion of the asphalt maintenance project, which came in well under budget. A motion was passed to cover approximately $546,000 for snow removal equipment at L.M. Clayton Airport pending FAA approval, with 95 percent of the cost ($519,000) covered by grant funding.
Incoming city attorney Montana Wilson reported that there are 11 criminal matters pending with the city court. He said the first round of omnibus hearings will be July 2.
During public comment, Lisa Dunn asked permission to put a little free library at Nellie’s Park on the north side of U.S. Highway 2. Mayor Chris Dschaak referred the request to the parks and recreation committee for a recommendation.
“Our only thing is security,” Dschaak said. “We did talk about spots that would be more monitored or observed.” He suggested Sherman Park and the town office as alternate locations.