Serving Communities Is Best Reward
Our newspapers’ staff members were fortunate recently to have been honored by the Montana Newspaper Association with several awards in the annual Better Newspaper Contest, which took place at the end of the association’s convention held in Kalispell.
Our recognition included 10 first-place awards along with multiple second- and third-place honors. Winning categories ranged from editorial writing to most attractive ads. We were especially pleased that our Wolf Point Stampede program for its 100th anniversary was awarded the top honor for best niche publication. That project took a great deal of time and commitment because we desired to put out a memorable product for the enjoyment of the community and recognition of the event’s achievements.
It’s always nice to get a pat on the back and told that you’ve done a good job, especially when the judges are others in the same profession. Although I’m thankful for the honors, it’s not why myself and other journalists are so dedicated to providing a quality product. Rather, the reason is because we care for our communities and strive to give community members the coverage that they deserve.
If you see me at yet another nighttime meeting or covering yet another basketball game, it’s not to win a particular award. Instead, it’s just our way of serving our readers. It’s tough to succeed in this business if you don’t have that type of dedication. We keep trying to get better and appreciate your input.
Readers should remember that the way for newspapers to provide community journalism requires advertising from businesses. We in the newspaper game always appreciate these businesses. I hope that you pay attention to those who advertise in our newspapers and keep your dollars local by supporting them.
Thanks for reading our products and being a key part of our winning team.