TEB Recognizes Diserly, Youngman
Board Sends Reps For Tribal Solar Steering Committee
The Fort Peck Tribal Executive Board held their regular, full board meeting July 22 in Poplar.
The board approved that healthcare professionals who are enrolled members of federally recognized Indian tribes and are living within the purchased and referred care service delivery are eligible for purchased and referred care services at the local Indian Health Service Unit.
The board voted to accept names and grant tribal arrest authority under the reciprocal cross-deputization agreement. They also approved the Law & Justice Department to allow police officer applicants who have four or more years of similar work experience to be put on the Law & Justice wage scale at Step 4 and accrue six hours of annual leave for each 80 hours worked. The board authorized the hiring of Dawson Klobucar pending a favorable background as a police officer.
During Education, the board approved the Head Start Administration to submit the purchase of a Head Start policy and procedure manual from Little Hawk Consulting, LLC, with the approved carryover funds in the amount of $33,635 from the Fiscal Year 2023, upon approval from the Granting Agency.
The Head Start administration was also approved to submit the purchase of one ADA accessible SUV with the approved carryover funds in the amount of $81,995 from the Fiscal Year 2023, upon approval from the granting agency. The Head Start administration was approved to submit the purchase of one maintenance truck with the approved carryover funds in the amount of $64,275 from Fiscal Year 2023.
The board approved the hire of Wilfred Lambert for the Environmental Program manager and authorized the tribal operations officer/ secretary accountant to disburse payment to Sonosky & Chambers for the above legal services rendered for the month of March and May.
The board authorized tribal gaming to share gaming compact with Golden Route for the purpose of partnering of business “gaming machines”/“ upgrades”. Matthew Olson was approved for the Sioux Enrollment Committee position.
Olivia Holstein was approved for the Solar For All Committee to formally request that the DOIE completes a Solar Resource Feasibility Study on behalf of the Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes. The Solar For All Committee was approved to defer their GRID alternatives TECB grant application to be revisited once more research has been done in order to maximize potential benefits.
The Climate Steering Committee was approved to work with the Fort Peck Institutional Review Board to develop a pilot project wherein student volunteers may learn about climate change and interview community elders about their lived experiences.
The board approved the amendment of resolution #32-53-2023-12 to include Great Northern Development Corporation with the Federal Agencies mentioned above to seek and apply for funding opportunities.
The board approved the establishment of a full-time climate coordinator staff position in the Office of Environmental Protection for two years, to be extended as desired given available funding The egress and ingress for a right-of-way for David Pankratz was approved for a site north of Frazer, Sec 27, T 32, N R 44 E, for 25 years with a lump sum of $8,002.27.
The board approved the proposal from Big Sky Energy Partners LLC in the amount of $446,000 to perform an evaluations Assessment of Hydrocarbon Development Potential in the Fort Peck, Fort Worth, east Lustre and East Benrud Seismic Survey Areas on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation.
The cemetery policy was sent back to the planning committee.
The board approved the termination of the lease agreement with Doretta Rush and allow her to perform the CRP mid-management practice on approximately 120 acres and reimburse her for the remaining 98.63 acres.
The board also approved the land use exchange between the Fort Peck Tribes Buffalo Program and Stensland Land and Livestock.
The bid for the civil, plumbing and electric for the Wolf Point Head Start project in the total amount of $3,281,918 was approved, as was the FY2025 Low Income Home Energy assistance program proposal and budget in the amount of $878,577 and the FY2025 CSBG refunding proposal and budget for the period of Oct. 1, 2024, through Sept. 30, 2025, in the amount of $104,011.
The board authorized Fort Peck Inc. employee Dillon McPherson to be a user of IBCorp for the Fort Peck Inc. with Independence Bank and approved to add the Fort Peck Sioux Council and the Fort Peck Assiniboine Council to the annual budget for $5,000 each from the program allocated account #1341 to be included each year and a buffalo.
The board approved to amend the payroll advance policy to authorize the chairman/ vice chairman the authority to approve additional early payroll advances beyond the 16 allowed fiscal year for tribal employees as needed.
The employee contract with Mary Clark as a physical therapist was approved effective July 22, 2024, through July 31, 2029.
The board authorized the following Fort Peck Tribal Health employee’s authorization to obtain credit cards from Independence Bank: Tatum Everson, Elise Ackers Michael Iron Shields, Richard Chase, Dorrance Comes Last, Anthony Demarrias, Wilma Yellow Hammer, Tom Escarcega, Austin Spotted Bird and Boy Youngman.
The board approved the contract for Natalie Weeks, the recruitment/retention bonuses for the all tribal health master contract P.L. 93-638 staff (THD, HPDP, SBRRC) upon completion of their 90day probationary period, as presented by FPTSUD.
The board approved retention bonus payments to the Fort Peck Tribal Dialysis unit staff for a onetime bonus of $2,000 for FY2024 the staff are currently getting the sign on quarterly bonus will not be included in this bonus.
The board approved a plan to honor Arlee Diserly and Mike Youngman with a star quilt and $500 for the many years they have worked for the veterans on this reservation and for the past 50 years they have carried the colors for many events. The board also approved to give the old double-wide Enterprise office to Manny Smith, at no cost to the Fort Peck Tribes.
A donation of $1,000 was approved to the National Child Safety Council.
The board approved the appointment of representatives to act on behalf of the Tribes on the Northern Plains Tribal Solar for all coalition steering committee with Marva Chapman designated primary representative and Wyatt Atkinson as the alternate.
The next full board meeting is set for Aug. 5 in Poplar.