PSC Votes Down MDU’s Request For Increase
Last week at its regularly scheduled business meeting, the Montana Public Service Commission (PSC) voted down a motion to request an interim 10.25% rate increase for Montana Dakota Utilities’ natural gas customers. The motion to approve the double- digit rate increase was offered by Commissioner Bucacek. The motion failed on a 1-4 vote. Commissioner Bucacek voted in favor of her motion while president Brown, vice president Fielder and commissioners Pinocci and O’Donnell voted against the motion.
PSC president James Brown said of the commission’s decision, “We have exercised the Commission’s discretion to deny an interim rate increase. In doing so, the Commission has sided with the people of Montana, who, since January of 2021, have been facing historically high prices for everything from housing to health care, food to insurance, diesel fuel and gasoline for the last four years. If we can spare Montana natural gas rate payers from yet another source of ‘sticker shock’ on their winter natural gas bills, I think we have a responsibility to do so.”
Jennifer Fielder added, “I’m concerned that some of the companies we regulate are not controlling expenses like they would if the had market competition. They need to tighten their belts and control spending just like the rest of us do.”
MDU’s rate increase remains pending until such time as the Commission makes a final decision on MDU’s application, likely to occur in the spring of 2025.
The commission regulates private investor-owned natural gas, electric, telephone, water, and sewer companies, certain motor carriers, and oversees natural gas pipeline safety and intrastate railroad safety. The Commission works to ensure that Montanans receive safe and reliable service from regulated public utilities while paying reasonable rates.
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