Kevin Burshia Jr.
Kevin George Burshia Jr. (Ista to), 40, died Dec. 2, 2024.
He was born Nov. 25, 1984, in Wolf Point to Doris J. Headdress and Kevin G. Burshia Sr. He attended Poplar and Ellendale elementary schools. He also attended Frontier middle school and Wolf Point High School. He ultimately obtained his GED at Quentin N. Burdick Job Corps in Minot, N.D.
He was musically inclined, enjoyed singing, mastered the guitar and also played the drums. Alongside his musical abilities, he possessed a world talent for drawing and beading, primarily using the peyote stitch. He also worked with horsehair, skillfully braiding it which allowed him to express himself in another beautiful way. It’s wonderful how he found ways to connect with passions and share them with those he loved.
While living in the Chelsea area on the farm, he went hunting and fishing and taught how to skin and gut a deer and fillet a fish. He would also help with farm chores and driving tractor. When he would stay with his grandma Gloria, she taught him a great deal about their culture. She showed him how to dry corn, prepare dry meat, handle ground cherries and pick turnips. He was a great help around the house, completing tasks like painting, fixing fence and doing yard work.
He was known for his sense of humor and ability to make others feel welcome. He was also very loving, kind and respectful.
He is survived by his children, Jason, Rosaline and Rory; siblings, Heather Martell, Samantha Burshia, Ryan Burshia, Zachary Budak, Michael Budak, Brianne Burshia, Tyree Burshia Mary Burshia and Arthur Burshia; grandmother, Gloria Chopper.
He was preceded in death by his father, Kevin Burshia Sr.
A prayer service was held at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 11, at Clayton Stevenson Memorial Chapel. His funeral service will be held Thursday, Dec. 12, at 11 a.m. at the Wolf Point Community Hall. Interment will be in the Headdress Family Cemetery in Wolf Point. Clayton Stevenson Memorial Chapel was in charge of the arrangements.