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Committee Meets On Bonuses


Culbertson Schools’ negotiations committee met for master agreement negotiations on Dec. 12. Trustees present were Ian Walker, Wendy Becker, Amber Fox, Chris Petersen and Lisa Steppler, as well as clerk Lora Finnicum. Teacher representatives were Janelle Ator, Amy Berwick, Theresa McDonald, Jimie Lou Morris, Tiffany Nielsen and Chris Olson.

No visitors were present. Board presented revised language defining grievance and 10 days for initial step in the grievance procedure. Union agreed with presented language.

Trustees stated that all the money available went to the salary scale and no additional funds were available to provide bonuses. Union contends there is additional funds to be had in impact aid and oil revenues and stated that Years 2 and 3 left monies on the table. Board stated ed that bonuses from oil could still be an option depending on the amount received but not as proposed. Union stated that the bonuses were intended as a recruitment and retention tool and not providing them may hurt chances to attract and retain staff.

Union presented Policy 2100 stating the school fiscal year and the minimum hours to be in school versus the contract and master agreement requirement of 180 days. Union requested year to be changed to hours to match policy. Board will review request.

The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 9, at 6:30 p.m.

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