REAL Montana Class Learns About Government
Froid resident Bailey Christoffersen just returned from Helena as part of REAL Montana (Resource Education and Agriculture Leadership). For Christoffersen and other members of REAL Montana Class VI, this was the third seminar in their two-year educational program.
The focus of the seminar was state government and the legislative process. While in Helena, the class toured the capitol building, learned how a bill becomes a law, and attended committee hearings.
Seminar speakers included Lt. Gov Kristen Juras, leaders in the Montana Water Resources Division, Department of Revenue, Department of Livestock and state legislators.
The class also learned about cooperation and collaboration among competing interests, discussed state water issues and the importance of building relationships.
“Being in Helena at the capital during this legislative session really opened my eyes on how citizens of the great state of Montana can get involved and influence the issues we care about,” Christoffersen said.
A skill building session included training on how to provide testimony in a legislative hearing and building and maintaining trust with Scott Linklater. A highlight of the seminar was a networking luncheon in the capitol attended by legislators, program sponsors and industry leaders.
Twenty of Montana’s top natural resource industry leaders from across the state were competitively selected to take part in REAL Montana Class VI. The program’s mission is to build a network of informed and engaged leaders to advance the natural resource industries in Montana.
The two-year leadership program features eight instate seminars; a five-day national study tour in Washington D.C.; and a 10-day international trip. Seminars include training in natural resource development, agriculture institutions and agencies, public speaking/ media, economics, state and federal policy, international trade, urban/rural relationships, water issues and other current industry topics.
REAL Montana is funded through a partnership with Montana State University Extension and private industry. Oversight is provided by an advisory board of industry leaders.
Complete program information is available at www.