TEB Approves Buffalo Treaty, Recommendations
The Fort Peck Tribal Executive Board held its full board meeting Jan. 27 in Poplar. The board authorized the chairman/ vice-chairman to sign the proclamation recognizing, “a historic event of the exercise of sovereignty, cooperation and united effort to fulfill the spirit of the Buffalo Treaty.”
The board authorized a payment to Sonosky & Chambers for the General Counsel in the amount of $8,179.77 for the month of November.
The programs director’s request to pay FY24 unpaid NEIC invoices in the amount of $12,451.59 was approved, as was a request from the Branch of Corrections to hire Kailyn Grey Bear, Jeffery Flynn, Gabriella Boyd-Weinberger and Jessica Kirn from temporary appointment to permanent appointment.
The employment contact for Kendra “Kia” Teague to serve as the project manager for grant #3273 was approved and authorize the chairman/ vice-chairman to sign the employment contract on behalf of the Fort Peck Tribes.
The Fort Peck Tribal Health Diabetes Program was approved regarding language for registration, intake forms and podiatry job description and policies.
The board voted to amend resolution #32-667-2024-06, to narrow the scope of the Tribes earlier notice of intent to the IHS to contract the IHS Fort Peck Service Unit Purchased/ Referred Care Program, Pharmacy Program, Radiology Program and Labs Program, as well as PFSAs, to plan, prepare for and assume contractible PFSAs under the Tribes Title I ISDEAA contract and funding agreement with the IHS, with planned effective date of Oct. 1, 2025.
A contract modification was approved with Rezcast Media, LLC, in the amount of $29,700.
The board authorized SBRRC to apply for a mini grant in the total amount of $5,000.
The board approved the classification of the care manager position description as prepared, rated and approved by the Fort Peck Tribes Human Resources Department.
Fort Peck Tribal Health Services was approved to utilize ARPA Funds from fund 5110 to assist John Hopkins School of Nursing Project Wakenyeza (Little Holy One) in the amount of $112,900.
Head Start director’s recommendation to drop the enrollment slots from 212 to 172 was approved.
The board approved the bid of Corland Construction in the amount of $998,400 for the construction of the Tribal Health Motor Pool Facility.
The enrollment committee recommendations were approved (with the following vote totals): full membership (10), relinquishments (4), blood increases (2), name changes (10), associate membership (17) and blood decrease (1).
The next full board meeting is set for Jan. 27.