MonDak Ag Days & Tradeshow Set For March 6-7 In Sidney

Mo n D a k Ag Days & Tradeshow hosted by the Sidney Area Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture is scheduled for March 6-7 at the Richland County Event Center in Sidney.
This event features two days of agriculture tradeshow vendors on site with information on their products and services. In addition to the tradeshow, there will be a full slate of educational opportunities during MonDak Ag Days. Topics include wheat stem sawfly management, forage management and options, information on the Montana Mesonet, technology in livestock production, white mold in soybeans, an update from the Montana Cattle Committee, and a beef cattle traceability discussion.
Breakfast and lunch will be available on-site during Mon-Dak Ag Days with a dinner on Thursday evening, as well.
More topics and details will be added as the MonDak Ag Days committee finalizes the event. Watch for updates on the MonDak Ag Days Facebook page or contact the chamber at 406-433-1916.