Women Grow Leadership Skills

Montana Farmers Union members connected with women from across the country, building leadership skills, during National Farmers Union’s annual Women’s Conference, held earlier this month in San Antonio, Texas.
“The NFU Women’s Conference allowed me to connect with women in ag from both Montana and all over the country. Both the networking and conference sessions helped fill my cup to continue the hard work that is agriculture in Montana,” said MFU member Shawna McCauley.
“Attending the 2024 National Farmers Union Women’s Conference in San Antonio was incredibly impactful for me. It provided an empowering platform to connect with our group from Montana and other women from across the USA in agriculture, share experiences, and learn from each other’s challenges and triumphs. Being part of this supportive community reinvigorated my commitment to my work and deepened my understanding of the vital role women play in shaping the future of farming,” MFU Ambassador Mary Jenni said.
Women also can grow their networks closer to home through Montana Farmers Union’s upcoming Women’s Conferences planned Jan. 31 through Feb. 2 in Malta and Feb. 7-9 at Fairmont Hot Springs.
Registration is now open for the fun events featuring educational speakers, networking opportunities, locally sourced food, hot springs, and more! Visit https://montanafarmersunion. com/news-events/ womens-conference/ for more information.