Froid Council Discusses Water Projects
The Froid Town Council held its regular meeting Feb. 17. The full council was in attendance, along with audience members Scott Westlund, Penny Ryder and Roosevelt County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Russ Corbell.
Public Works director Alan Engelke reported that he repaired the lights in the library and oversaw repairs to several water main breaks. Limited interruptions in water service were shared with area residents via automated alerts and social media posts.
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Engelke also reported ongoing repairs to town curb stops/valves.
Mayor Sheri Crain pointed out during discussions about a town “wish list” that town water valves will likely need to be cleaned out. Another idea floated was a generator for the community center. Clerk LeAnn Johnson told the Community
News that she will be applying for grant funding.
Due to a stuck valve, Dry Prairie accidentally overflowed the town water tower on Jan. 29 and Feb. 2. Council will be investigating charges related to loss.
Corbell delivered the sheriff’s office report, which included one call for a civil standby and a traffic stop.
Minutes were approved for the January meeting, as were claims and payroll. The next regular council meeting is set for March 10 at 6:30 p.m.