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Lustre News

Lustre News Lustre News

Feb. 14 was “Senior Night” at the Lions’ Den, with six students honored along with their parents. Brian Ewing was accompanied by Justin and Kim Klatt and family and his cousin Jacob Riley. Mason Hilkemann was accompanied by his parents, Mike and Nikki Hilkemann, Holly and Coleman. Clay Reddig was accompanied by his parents, Brandon and Jen Reddig; and sister, Shelby, and her husband; and his niece, Scarlet. Jaden Gibson was accompanied by her parents, James Gibson and Jamie Briggs. Meredith Valentine was accompanied by her mother, Patricia Valentine of Pennsylvania. Abby Olfert was accompanied by her parents, Landon and Mindy Olfert and family.

The weather was extremely cold for the last week or more. Sunday night we had actual temps of -32, -28 by 7 a.m. Monday and Tuesday a.m. Thankfully, schools were closed for President’s Day, and students were able to work on their memory work for Awana’s Versathon, or their spelling words for the County Spelling Bee, both on Feb. 26.

Aidan Burns, grandson of Dwaine and Vivian Wall, was awarded the Mankato East Excel Award, which recognizes one fellow and one gal in their student body, for academics, volunteerism, leadership and activities. He represented Mankato East High School at the Minnesota state level, and was one of 15 boys out of 500 Minnesota high schools, awarded the State Excel Award recently.

Lustre resident Carl Traeholt died Feb. 7. Two of his grandchildren are graduates of Lustre Christian High School.

On President’s Day, Feb 17, LCHS 1994 alumnus Heidi Burns was presented with a Presidential Coin Challenge 2024-25, a very high honor. President Inch of the Minnesota State University Mankato Campus instituted a Presidential Coin to celebrate exceptional service, going above and beyond their call to duty and the coin is presented, to 12-20 of 1,200 employees of the university. She was chosen by the President’s cabinet and presented it by a member of that Cabinet (President, VP, Provost, etc.) for her work addressing student attrition due to poor grades, disqualifying them from Pell grants, for example. It is not an honor one applies for, but is given to only a few each year. Burns is the wife of Matt Burns and the daughter of Dwaine and Vivian Wall and the late Nancy Wall.

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