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Residents Discuss Ways To Improve Wolf Point

Residents Discuss Ways To Improve Wolf Point Residents Discuss Ways To Improve Wolf Point

After listening to three Reimagining Rural presentations, Wolf Point residents shared opinions about different avenues that the community could pursue to improve the city.

On a survey done at the meeting held at the Wolf Point Elks Event Center, the top three listed items were fixing abandoned houses, having music or art in the park and having a monthly clean-up town today called “Take Action Tuesday.”

Tori Matejovsky, executive director for Great Northern Development Corp., said the beginning stages of looking at different cleaning up different ares of plight have been taking place.

Matejovsky read a letter from Wolf Point Mayor Chris Dschaak regarding a plan to improve abandoned properties. The plan includes volunteers establishing a 501 (C) organization. The city will then deed properties to the organization. Volunteers will clean up the areas and then sell the lots.

“The image of our town is the first things people see,” Dschaak wrote.

Former county commissioner Gary Macdonald pointed out that the only thing the idea works is if the county turns the properties over to the city.

City Council member Dean Mahlum discussed his idea of establishing Nellie’s Park as a welcoming spot of visitors.

Mahlum said he wants to make the park the showcase when people come to Wolf Point.

Mahlum is hoping to have the park have benches and a walking trail.

There could also be information regarding Wolf Point located at the park.

“I really think we can make that an attractive area for Wolf Point,” Mahlum said.

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